Make sure you are logged in. If you are on the home page, go to the menu and select “Dashboard” below the Westfield Kiwanis link on the upper left side of the page.
From the side admin menu, hover over or click on “M.E. Calendar” and then click “All Events” to see a listing of all events.
Hover over the meeting you wish to edit and then click the “Edit” or “Quick Edit” as appropriate. If unsure, click “Edit” which gives you the ability to edit everything.
If you hit “Edit,” make the desired changes to the event and then hit the “Update” button near the top of the right column in the “Publish” block.
If you hit “Quick Edit,” make the desired changes to the fields and click the “Update”.
IMPORTANT: The “Date” field below is not the date of the event, but the date the event was created. Changing this will not change the date/time of the event. Use “Edit” to do that.